Spinach & Arugula Salad with Asparagus, Mushroom, Orange & Crispy Shallots (Salada de Espinafre & Rúcula com Aspargos, Cogumelos, Laranja & Chalota Crocante)

May 12, 2016

This salad is perfect with sautéed asparagus and mushrooms, the orange adds the perfect sweetness and the crispy shallots add a special crunchiness. Take a look:

Esta salada é perfeita com aspargos e cogumelos salteados, a laranja adiciona uma doçura perfeita e a chalota adiciona uma crocância especial. Dê uma olhada:

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 shallot, cut in half and thinly sliced
1 cup asparagus, chopped
1 cup baby bella mushrooms, sliced
1 naval orange, peeled and ends trimmed
1 cup baby arugula
2 cups baby spinach
Salt and black pepper

In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add shallots and let it cook and stir occasionally until crispy. Remove to a plate lined with paper towel, reserve. Using the same skillet, sauté the mushrooms and asparagus, remove from heat and reserve. Hold orange over a bowl, cut along the membrane on both sides of each segment using a paring knife, releasing the segments and repeat with the remaining fruit. In another bowl, squeeze the membranes to extract the juice, add remaining olive oil, season with salt and black pepper. Arrange spinach and arugula in serving dish, place sautéed asparagus and mushrooms, top with orange segments and sprinkle the crispy shallots over the top. Before serving the salad pour the quick orange and olive oil dressing. Enjoy!

3 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva
1 chalota, cortada ao meio e em fatias finas
1 xícara de aspargos picados
1 xícara de cogumelos, fatiados
1 laranja naval, descascada e termina aparadas
1 xícara de rúcula bebê
2 xícaras de espinafre bebê
Sal e pimenta preta

Modo de preparo:
Em uma frigideira grande, aqueça 1 colher de sopa de azeite em fogo médio. Adicione a chalota fatiada e deixe cozinhar e mexa ocasionalmente até que fiquem crocantes. Remova para um prato forrado com papel toalha, reserve. Usando a mesma frigideira, refogue os cogumelos e aspargos, retire do fogo e reserve. Segure a laranja sobre uma tigela, corte ao longo da membrana em ambos os lados de cada segmento usando uma faca, soltando os segmentos e repita com o restante da fruta. Em outra tigela, aperte as membranas para extrair o suco, adicione restante do azeite, tempere com sal e pimenta preta. Arrume o espinafre e a rúcula no prato de servir, coloque aspargos e cogumelos salteados, cubra com os pedaços de laranja e por cima a chalota crocante. Antes de servir a salada, despeje o molho de azeite com laranja. Aproveite!

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  1. This delectable Spinach & Arugula Salad with Asparagus, Mushroom, Orange & Crispy Shallots is my kind of hearty, healthy salad. Thank you for sharing it with us at the Plant-based Potluck Party. I'm Pinning and sharing this!

  2. Hi Caroline. I'm a fellow blogger who saw this at the Plant-based Potluck as the feature. Congratulations. It is a wonderful recipe, which I shared on my FB Page. If you want to see it, look here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nancy-Andres-Health-Lifestyle-Writer-Author/165098073694072

