In Beverages, Celebrate

New Year's Eve Cranberry-Pear Sparkler

In Recipes, Snacks

Vegan Rice Cakes (Bolinhos de Arroz Vegano)

In Recipes, Snacks

Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Dip (Dip Apimentado de Grão de Bico)

In Entrees, Recipes

Eggplant with Garlic & Pepper Flakes (Berinjela com Alho & Pimenta Calabresa)

In Entrees, Recipes

Mushrooms Stuffed with Vegan Cream Cheese & Basil (Cogumelos Recheados Com Cream Cheese Vegano & Manjericão)

In Entrees, Recipes

Wild Rice Veggie Soup (Sopa de Arroz Selvagem & Vegetais)

In Entrees, Recipes

Vegan Olive Cheese Flatbread (Flatbread com Azeitonas & Queijo Vegano)

In Breakfast, Recipes

Vegan Whole Wheat Pancakes with Carrot & Apple (Panquecas Veganas de Trigo Integral com Cenoura & Maçã)

In Desserts, Recipes

Mini Apple Pies (Mini Tortinhas de Maçã)

In Entrees, Recipes

Thanksgiving Series: Lentil Loaf

In Entrees, Recipes

Thanksgiving Series: Green Beans & Radish with Parsley Pesto

In Entrees, Recipes

Thanksgiving Series: Caroline's Mushroom Stuffing

In Entrees, Recipes

Thanksgiving Series: Whipped Mashed Potatoes with Peas & Onion

In Entrees, Recipes

Thanksgiving Series: Watercress, Roasted Acorn Squash & Pomegranate Salad
