Toast with Blackberry & Vegan Cream Cheese (Torradas com Amora & Cream Cheese Vegano)

July 13, 2021


These little toasts are perfect for snacking! I absolutely love the combination of cream cheese, fresh blackberries and basil leaves. Take a look:

Estas torradinhas são perfeitas para petiscar! Eu absolutamente amo a combinação de cream cheese, amoras frescas e folhas de manjericão. Dê uma olhada:

Vegan cream cheese
Little toasts
Fresh blackberries
A few basil leaves, cut into ribbons
Olive oil, for drizzling

Arrange the little toasts in a plate and spread the vegan cream cheese. Add the fresh blackberries and chopped basil leaves. Drizzle olive oil over the top. Serve and enjoy!

Cream cheese vegano
Amoras frescas
Algumas folhas de manjericão, cortadas em tiras
Azeite de oliva

Modo de preparo:
Arrume as torradas em um prato e espalhe o cream cheese vegano. Adicione as amoras frescas e as folhas de manjericão picadas por cima. Regue com azeite de oliva por cima. Sirva e aproveite!

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